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About us

GENERAL INFORMATION You can have more information:, telephone +370 389 52502, +370 389 52761 or write us: Šis el. pašto adresas yra apsaugotas nuo šiukšlių. Jums reikia įgalinti JavaScript, kad peržiūrėti jį.

AIM – to meet the individual needs of children, to foster all their capacities developing the necessary competences of cognition, knowledge, creativeness and health.
1. To give children including those with special needs the qualitative pre-school and pre-primary education by necessary programs;
2. To provide children and their parents (tutors) the complex aid, social support and health care services;
3. To meet the children' needs of cognition, development and self-education;
4. To ensure healthy and safe environment for developing.
Educational programs are implemented:
1. Pre-school (self)development program;
2. General pre-primary (self)education program;
3. Programs adapted to the children with special needs;
4. International program of developing social and emotional skills „Friends of Zippy" (for pre-primary schoolchildren);
5. Program of families' education.
The council of school is composed from 3 parents, 3 educators and 3 non-pedagogical workers and they are solving the actual problems of community.

Distinction of institution:
- the help for children with special needs of developing and their families is given from 1992;
- the experience of implementing international projects (1999-2024);
- the Arts' room is working for exhibiting and expressing the natural artistic abilities;
- the spacious territory in 2010 is certified as one of the best cleared among Lithuanian children education institutions;
- the nursery-kindergarten is located in the edge of the city, by the lake, pinery and resting zone.


A professional team of specialists is helping the children:
Psychologist is giving the individual consultations for children and their families facing the different problems (communication, behaviour, too big fears and so on), strengthens the psychological immunity of children and motivates the creation of environment that is safe and friendly for development;
Special pedagogue (speech therapist) helps children having speech and communication disorders;
Special pedagogue helps children with special needs to adapt, to develop by their capacities and educational possibilities;
Social pedagogue assures the security of children, helps families of children to solve their social problems cooperating with services giving the social aid, health care institutions, she consults parents, tutors and pedagogues;
Physical therapist cures the children by reconstructive and rehabilitation means like movement, exercising, massages the children trying to ameliorate muscular tonicity, spinal position, develop the balance and coordination;
Dietician surveys the good health and condition of children;
Safe and functional environment is created for children having special needs: there is a hall for physical therapy, the specialists are working in separate rooms with proper equipment.

In our institution are educated the children from 1 to 6 years old. Each group of children is supervised by two educators and an assistant. The music educator is training children's musical skills. Teacher's assistants help children with disabilities to integrate into the collective.

„Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein




The aim is to develop conceptual skills by assessing each child's abilities using cognitive, artistic expression, creativity, STEAM and ICT application methods and methods.

The project duration is between 15.12.2023 - 30.04.2024. Project participants: Turkey, Lithuania, Romania.



1. To stimulate interest in the colors around one's environment, to search in various fields, to discover primary and secondary colors, to choose stories, fairy tales and to decorate and illustrate them in a unique, creative way.
2. Develop color recognition and discrimination skills by applying innovative educational methods.
3. To develop communication and cooperation with communities of preschool and special education institutions in different countries.

1. Preschool, special education and primary school students will develop conceptual, language, cognitive, creativity, artistic expression and digital literacy skills.
2. Through communication and collaboration, local and international partners will share best practices in developing students' conceptual language skills.
3. A common tool of the eTwinning project of partners from different countries is created.



The activities of the STEAM project are carried out by the teachers of "Pelėdžiukai" and "Ančiukai" groups. In the project, special education students and their regular education peers work together.  Experiments and activities are carried out in accordance with the student's level and needs. 

Experiments with colors: how colors dive and change, how colored worms come to life in water.


STEAM activity (Science): Colors racing in different ways.


We colored the flags of the project participants: Lithuania, Turkey and Romania.



STEAM activity (Technology): We constructed the letter P, which formed one part of the project name.


STEAM activity (Engineering): We played games on the interactive board.



STEAM activity (Design): we drew part of a poster that will be the cover of a book about the project.


STEAM activity (Art): we acted out a story about color adventures created by the project participants.


STEAM activity (Mathematics): coloring geometric shapes.


Friendly geometric shapes games: "Color it, find the right figure, arrange its shape and kites will bring you luck".



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